Clinical, cognitive and neuropathological characteristics of the NACC Latino
Cohort: Evidence for differential risk factors and implications for diagnosis. 
   Lead Investigator:    Katya Rascovsky
   Institution      :    University of Pennsylvania
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    779

Publications: 1 Rascovsky K, Teylan MA , McMillan CT, Barlow N , Gonzalez HM, Salmon DP, Galasko DR, Besser LM, Kukull WA , Grossman M Risk factors for clinical AD in US Latino populations: an analysis of the NACC database Abstract AAIC 2018,7:P1340,2018,
2 Rascovsky k, Teylan ME, McMillan CT, Besser L, Kukull W, Grossman M Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Latino patients with Alzheimer's disease: an analysis of the NACC database Abstract Neurology,88:P4.084,2017,

Proposal Description: